Planning Division

pictureThe Planning Division provides guidance for the safe and orderly development of the community. This mission is accomplished through programs that encourage high quality development as well as maintenance and reinvention of existing neighborhoods. The goal is to create a safe, healthy, attractive, and economically strong place to enjoy life. We ensure that new development is attractive and compatible with its surroundings and in keeping with the vision that will shape and define Loma Linda into the next century.

Overseeing this work is the Planning Division, whose efforts ensure that our homes, our streets, our buildings, our businesses, and even our open spaces reflect the qualities that make Loma Linda special. Planners provide a variety of services to the public, including zoning information, land use information, assistance with permits, current planning, and long-range planning. We can answer your questions about zoning, residential development or modification, commercial projects, parking requirements, development standards, procedures, signs, and home business information. The Planning Division also anticipates and acts on the need for new plans, policies, and Zoning Code changes.

Depending on the nature of a proposal, development approval may be issued by the Community Development Director, the Planning Commission, or the City Council. Typically the less complex proposals may be approved by the Community Development Director, while the more complicated projects with greater impacts require approval by the Planning Commission or the City Council.

As of February 2021, Loma Linda is operating under a new "one-map" system with a matching General Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map. The Land Use Designations are implemented by the same zoning designations.  All map amendments must be done concurrently.

Planners provide staff support to the City Council, Planning Commission, and several City Commissions, Committees, and Boards. The Planning Division works with several other local agencies, such as the Water District and the School District. The Planning Division is also responsible for the provision of liaison in coordination with regional and state planning agencies.

For zoning-related inquiries, please contact the City’s Planning Department at [email protected] or call 909-799-2830. For higher-level land use or entitlement questions, reach out to the Associate Planner at [email protected] or call 909-799-2827. We highly recommend you make an appointment prior to coming down to city hall to discuss land use and planning related topics. 



Dept Main Lines: (909)799-2830 or (909)799-2899
Address: Attn to "Community Development Dept" at 25541 Barton Road, Loma Linda, CA 92354


Lorena Matarrita, Community Development Director  -  [email protected]
Gabriel Rivera, Associate Planner  -  [email protected]
Tiffany Colwell, Administrative Specialist II  -  [email protected] 
David Cook, Building Inspector  -  [email protected]